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16 cm x 8.1 cm x 1 cm / 30g
其他(隱藏) |
【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)
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Samsung says faulty battery causes Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire
(Xinhua file photo)
SEOUL, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Samsung Electronics said Monday that faulty battery caused its flagship Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire after discontinuing the fire-prone device more than three months ago.
In a special press conference in its headquarters in Seoul, Samsung said the mix of thin battery design and other manufacturing issues caused the Note 7s to explode or set on fire, which led to property damages and injuries.
The findings are based on two investigations by U.S.-based firms UL and Exponent, which examined batteries and one supply-chain analysis by a German company TUV Rheinland.
The first group of the devices carried batteries with thin separators between the positive and negative layers that raise a possibility for internal short circuit, according to the UL's teardown examination.
Aggressively thin battery had been estimated by experts as one of the main reasons the flagship Samsung phone was overheated. Insufficient physical room can induce the positive and negative electrodes to touch and spark.
Sajeev Jesuda, one of the UL's executives, told reporters that higher energy density in batteries can exacerbate the severity of battery failure in "general" terms, falling short of the confirmation of one of reasons for explosions.
Deformation was found especially from the upper right corners of the batteries, weakening a protection capability from internal short circuit, the UL president said.
The second group of Note 7s was installed with batteries that have various manufacturing problems, including the missing insulation tape, irregular bumps and thin separators. Those factors led to internal short circuits.
According to the Exponent's analysis, no hardware and software issues have been discovered from the fire-prone devices.
The first group of phones showed deformation in upper corners of the defective batteries near a cathode tab. The second group had manufacturing issues, such as abnormally high bumps that can destroy an insulation tape and a separator.
Kevin White, a principal scientist at Exponent, told reporters that the first group suffered unintended damages to the cathode windings in the corner closest to the negative tab, saying it was caused by the pouch design.
The second group, he said, showed no deficiencies in the pouch, but welding defects in the positive electrode tab raised the short circuit possibility.
Meanwhile, no factor was found in the logistics and assembly processes that damage battery safety, according to the TUV Rheindland's investigations into factories in South Korea, China and Vietnam.
Holger Kunz, the German company's executive vice president, said its supply-chain analysis showed no specific defection of weakness, concern or obvious danger affecting battery safety integrity.
S.Korea's industrial output falls on Galaxy Note 7 discontinuation, labor strike
SEOUL, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's industrial output fell last month as Samsung Electronics discontinued its latest flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphones and railway workers went on strikes, a government report showed on Wednesday. Full story
S.Korea's mobile phone exports tumble in Oct. on Galaxy Note 7 discontinuation
SEOUL, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's mobile phone exports posted a steep decline last month as Samsung Electronics discontinued its latest flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7 on reports of catching fire and overheating, a government report showed on Thursday. Full story
South African Airways bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7
CAPE TOWN, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- South African Airways (SAA) on Wednesday announced a ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone following a number of incidents where a battery defect caused overheating that resulted in fires and explosions. Full story
(Xinhua file photo)
SEOUL, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Samsung Electronics said Monday that faulty battery caused its flagship Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire after discontinuing the fire-prone device more than three months ago.
In a special press conference in its headquarters in Seoul, Samsung said the mix of thin battery design and other manufacturing issues caused the Note 7s to explode or set on fire, which led to property damages and injuries.
The findings are based on two investigations by U.S.-based firms UL and Exponent, which examined batteries and one supply-chain analysis by a German company TUV Rheinland.
The first group of the devices carried batteries with thin separators between the positive and negative layers that raise a possibility for internal short circuit, according to the UL's teardown examination.
Aggressively thin battery had been estimated by experts as one of the main reasons the flagship Samsung phone was overheated. Insufficient physical room can induce the positive and negative electrodes to touch and spark.
Sajeev Jesuda, one of the UL's executives, told reporters that higher energy density in batteries can exacerbate the severity of battery failure in "general" terms, falling short of the confirmation of one of reasons for explosions.
Deformation was found especially from the upper right corners of the batteries, weakening a protection capability from internal short circuit, the UL president said.
The second group of Note 7s was installed with batteries that have various manufacturing problems, including the missing insulation tape, irregular bumps and thin separators. Those factors led to internal short circuits.
According to the Expoiphone 6s價格nent's analysis, no hardware and software issues have been discovered from the fire-prone devices.
The first group of phones showed deformation in upper corners of the defective batteries near a cathode tab. The second group had manufacturing issues, such as abnormally high bumps that can destroy an insulation tape and a separator.
Kevin White, a principal scientist at Exponent, told reporters that the first group suffered unintended damages to the cathode windings in the corner closest to the negative tab, saying it was caused by the pouch design.
The second group, he said, showed no deficiencies in the pouch, but welding defects in the positive electrode tab raised the short circuit possibility.
Meanwhile, no factor was found in the logistics and assembly processes that damage battery safety, according to the TUV Rheindland's investigations into factories in South Korea, China and Vietnam.
Holger Kunz, the German company's executive vice president, said its supply-chain analysis showed no specific defection of weakness, concern or obvious danger affecting battery safety integrity.
S.Korea's industrial output falls on Galaxy Note 7 discontinuation, labor strike
SEOUL, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's industrial output fell last month as Samsung Electronics discontinued its latest flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphones and railway workers went on strikes, a government report showed on Wednesday. Full story
S.Korea's mobile phone exports tumble in Oct. on Galaxy Note 7 discontinuation
SEOUL, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's mobile phone exports posted a steep decline last month as Samsung Electronics discontinued its latest flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7 on reports of catching fire and overheating, a government report showed on Thursday. Full story
South African Airways bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7
CAPE TOWN, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- South African Airways (SAA) on Wednesday announced a ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone following a number of incidents where a battery defect caused overheating that resulted in fires and explosions. Full story
【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)拍攝技術【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)怎麼拍才好看 【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革) 光源佈置【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)心得分享價格比較【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)PPT評價【alto】iPhone 7 Plus 真皮手機殼背蓋 Metro - 萊姆綠-本色(alto 義大利真皮皮革)機型推薦 Samsung 的野心:去Google 化
全球智能手機出貨量霸主,Android手機陣營毫無爭議的王者,此般 Samsung 還缺啥?不少人都能給出答案:系統和軟件服務。
而現在, Samsung 正悄悄地推行“去Google 化”運動。Tizen不是早就體現 Samsung 的野心嗎?但這次不一樣, Samsung 要在旗下支柱產品線Galaxy上動土。
在CES 2014上, Samsung 更新瞭Galaxy Tab Pro和Galaxy Note Pro產品線,並啟用瞭新的用戶界面Magazine UX。這樣一款類Flipboard/WP的UI讓 Samsung 的設備“煥然一新”。
在Magazine UX中, Samsung 有意隱藏瞭Google Play和其他Google服務。在主螢幕中用戶不會看到Google的應用,取而代之是 Samsung 旗下的各種軟件服務及應用商店。如果你想要使用Google的服務,那麼得去應用程式列表中找尋一番才行(雖然也可以進行定制,但較之前還是麻煩)。Digital Trends直言, Samsung 希望建立與Google、 Apple 、微軟“平起平坐”的生態系統。
Digital Trends認為,普通消費者不會反感Magazine UX的設計,所以也不會特意去更改這款UI。而如果習慣瞭新界面,那麼用戶也將習慣於使用 Samsung 的軟件。 Samsung 可能會在旗下各類設備上推廣Magazine UX,引導用戶進入自己的生態王國。
激進的做法是拋棄Android,將資源和用戶最終導向Tizen系統,保守的做法則是模仿亞馬遜,在Android平臺上構建自己的特有領地。筆者傾向於認為 Samsung 會采取亞馬遜的做法(完全拋棄Android、自立門戶,對軟件偏弱的 Samsung 來說風險太大),而且勢在必行。
說“勢在必行”主要是考慮到 Samsung 硬件驅動的玩法已經可以看到天花板。近日, Samsung 預計其2013年第四季度的營業利潤為78億美元,相比上季度創紀錄的96億美元的利潤額下降瞭18%,主要歸因於高端智能手機市場的飽和及其與 Apple 之間競爭的加劇。根據 Samsung 的業績預告,該公司去年第四季度營業利潤和營收都將低於分析師的預期。
實際上高端手機市場飽和對 Samsung 去年第三季度的業績已經產生瞭負面影響,但由於其半導體業務的回升以及新興市場廉價手機的銷售,從而弱化瞭這種負面影響。
解決增長困局的方法有兩點,一是發力低端消費市場,二是發力軟件市場。前者競爭者眾多,拚殺慘烈、利潤微薄。由此 Samsung 可能更希望在軟件市場做出一番成績。
Magazine UX將 Samsung 的野心進一步彰顯出來。左手推Tizen,右手在Android上面動土, Samsung 的打法正變得更加多樣化。
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